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Monday, February 6, 2012

Organized toys!

Since we are here in Newport for a while longer, we have been really cleaning out things and organizing! Because this house is a lot smaller than the other houses we have been in, we have no playroom. We have toys EVERYWHERE!! We did clean out a lot before we left VA last summer, and we have cleaned out a lot since then, but there seems to just be toys everywhere! I have been looking at Target at the storage units they have, but I just could not buy them, as I felt they were kinda pricey! We found one on clearance at home depot and I just had to have it! So we bought it and the 9 bins to go in it for less than the one at Target! I was so happy! We came home and again, cleaned out the toys!! Here is the before and after of the living room toys:



Once it was all organized, I decided that we needed something to hang on the wall. I have been looking at some of the family rules signs on pinterest and I loved the idea! But I am frugal, and did not want to spend a lot of money on one that someone made for me. And I am feeling crafty lately, so I decided to try to make one! I found this tutorial here I found a 40% off coupon for Michales and bought a canvas and some spray paint; I had the rest at home. Here are the pics of the family rules in progress!!

The spray paint said tan, so I thought it would go great with the tan bins we bought.... but it ended up more gold than tan! Oh well! Then I set out to figure out what we wanted out family rules to be! I wanted them to be as positive as possible, not just a list of Don'ts! Once we had those, I printed them out in different fonts and different sizes, cut them out and arranged them on the canvas in the order I wanted them.

Then I used graphite paper and traced over the words one at a time to transfer them to the canvas. I used a pencil, and it was pretty dark once they were done, not sure how I would make the transfer lighter next time, but I will try to make the letter lighter so I don't have to paint the letters so many times.

Then I painted over the letters in red, to match the red canvas bins on the shelf. Once it was all dry, we hung it over the storage shelf. I am so happy with the way it turned out! And I was inexpensive and fun to make!

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