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Monday, May 28, 2012

Out on the Boat

Keith finally convinced me to go out on the boat with the kid! I actually had a good time! The kids all loved it! Henry and Tyler's favorite part is going fast!!! I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time on the water this summer!!

 yep, I'm wearing the life was my first time on a boat...with Keith!!!!
 She loved driving the boat!
 I even drove!

She loved being up front with the boys!

Planting Flags

I have always wanted to plant flags at a veterans cemetery for a Holiday. This year we decided the kids were old enough to understand what was going on and why it is important that we honor our veterans. We explained to them about Memorial Day and why we celebrate it. They were very excited to get to do this. Once we got there, we gathered our flags and picked an area to plant. The boys had a little trouble staying off of the headstones. They were so cute when we reminded them not to step on them, they would look down and apologize to the stone! It was so cute! We decided that this was something that we would like to do for all holidays, and are now making a family tradition! There is nothing more amazing than looking out at a veterans cemetery and seeing thousand's of flags flying! Very moving!

Super Hero's!

I got a great idea to make super hero's from stuff at home! I found printable masks and had the kids color them. Next we took 2 of daddy's old shirts and cut them up to make capes. E used on of Tyler's shirts! For the arm bands we used toilet paper rolls. The kids all had a blast making them!

Science Center

We took a day trip to CT. The plan was to spend the day at the dinosaur park...however, the park was kind a let down, so we had t find something else to do. We stumbleded onto the CT Science Center. Oh what an amazing place! It is 4 levels of science fun! I cannot wait to go back!

 racing the robot to build the shape!

 Mind have to relax and the ball moved to the one that was the most relaxed...Henry won everytime!

 Walking on the piano

 lego fireman

Blue and Gold

Tyler completed the requirements to get his Tiger Cub Badge! They were awarded at the Blue and Gold Banquet.

PineWood Car Derby

Tyler and Keith made a car for the scout troops pone wood derby. Tyler had a great time picking out the colors and the design. I love that he loves scouts. It is such a great organization!

 so proud of his car!
 lucky # 113!
 Ready, Set,GO!