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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Polar Express

We took the kids to ride the Polar Express with another family that we do a lot with here. It was so much better than I ever imagined! It was at a place about an hour from here that has rides to ride while you are waiting! The best of 2 worlds, an amusement part and the Polar Express!! We got there 2 hours early to have plenty of time to enjoy the park before the train left. Once on the train, we listened to the Polar Express story as the train went around the park and we were able to see all of the lights and displays. Then we sang Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer while we waited for Santa to arrive! Once he did, he gave each child a bell, just like in the story! It was so magical! I am so happy that we took the kids!

 Tyler, Henry, and Anders waiting in line to ride the airplanes

 looking at one of the displays
 I love the reflections in this picture
 Tyler's reflection
 Evelyn's reflection
 first attempt at a group pic
 second attempt at a group photo
 third attempt at a group photo...I GIVE UP!
 Santa giving the boys their bells
 Evelyn was not too sure of Santa
This is the best one I got!

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