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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Countdown Day 4

Day for of our countdown to Christmas says to decorate our Christmas Tree! The kids opened the envelope in the morning and then we set out to decorate this house! Keith surprised me by putting up the lights outside without me even asking!(I usually have to beg for him to put lights out!!!) We got the outside all finished and then came in and took naps!! That evening our friends came over and I was saying that we never got around to the tree. Lisa practically begged to do the lights since they were moving the next week! So she did the lights on the tree and she did a great job!!! The next day after school we finally decorated the tree!!!

 decorating the outside of the house
 E playing in the lights

 This is one of my favorite pictures of all time!
 Lisa after she finished the lights

Our finishes tree!

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