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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Henry's Graduation

Henry graduated from preschool yesterday! This is the 56th graduating class! The kids all sang patriotic songs. You all know how much I love those!! All the kids were in red, white and blue. It was so great! I cannot believe he is going to be in Kindergarten! He was born during Keith's Riverine tour, and I keep thinking about all that has happened in the last 6 years! Here are some videos of the songs. Hopefully they will stay on here, unlike the last time I tried to upload videos!

For some reason, I cannot get the last video to upload! The PreK and K kids had the flags for each branch of the military and they sang all of the songs for those branches! It was really neat and very special to honor the military like that! I will keep trying to get the video to load!

The Star Spangled Banner. Nothing gets to me more than kids singing the national anthem! I just LOVE it!

My Country Tis of Thee

God Bless The USA. My favorite song! I love that they know this one too!

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Teaching Peace

God Bless America

marching in.
 Henry is the middle one. He is holding the right side of the banner.
 Henry is on the first on the left.
 Henry's class. This is the Kinder and perK-they were a combined class. Henry is on the back row the first on the left.
 Henry with Mrs. MacDonald. She is such a great teacher. We will miss her!
 Henry with his diploma!

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