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Monday, September 26, 2011

organization wall

We are really trying to get the house organized! I saw the really neat wall organizer at pottery barn, however it was WAY expnesive! So we took off to Target to see if we coulod do something simial for cheap! Here is how it turned out! I a, very happy wtih it! It has everything we need all in one spot and it really oragnized! And I got to finally hang the letter that my friedn Tia did for us before we moved.

Here is what we liked at pottery barn:

And here is how ours turned out! I LOVE IT!!

our menu will go here

monthly calendar

weekly reminders and note board2w

2 corkboards for notes

and my letters!


  1. I am so doing this when I get home!

  2. I am so doing this when we get home!
