Since I am on a quest to save money, and since we have been here, we have not saved as much as I would have liked, I decided to put E back in cloth diapers. I loved then when she was younger, but stopped when she started solids. Swishing diapers in the potty was just too much for me! This time is different! Keith built me a diaper sprayer that attached to the potty, so no more swishing, I just spray the mess off of it and throw it in the pail! I LOVE IT! What I did not have him do this sooner is beyond me! She seems to really like them too! When she has a new one on, she runs into the living room and shows the boys and Keith. I had a box of diapers that I did not sell before we moved, so we cleaned the garage (only to realize when we were done and had not found them that they were right up front with my sewing stuff!) Oh well, now we have a nice clean garage and we got rid of a lot of stuff, so it was a good thing! I was so happy to find that most of them still fit her, which is a good thing financially, I don't have to buy a lot of new ones, but a bad thing because it means that she has not grown much in the last 7 months! Now I just have to figure out what I want my stash to be! I have Fuzzi Bunz pockets now, and still love them as much as I did before. They are great for around the house when all she has on is a diaper or with a dress. But with pants/shorts on, they are a bit bulky and she would need a bigger size for her booty! I have one swaddlebees and it is super trim! I would love to have more of those, but they are more expensive than some of the others. I have been looking on diaper swappers, but have yet to find some. I ordered some nanas bottoms and bum Genius all in ones, so we will see how I like those now. I loved them when she was newborn, so I hope I like them now too! She still sleeps in huggies, but she is not a really heavy night wetter, so I may try a fuzzi bunz with an extra insert tonight to see how she does. My favorite thing about cloth....they are so cute and I can get them in such cute prints! I just have to restrain myself from buying a ton! So far so good, though! Here are a few pics of her in the fuzzi bunz. I could not get her to be still, so they are the best I could get!