Monday, April 27, 2009
April 25th
Saturday, April 25th we went to the festival for the military child at the stillwell center here on base. We had no idea what it was, but a friend ours was going and invited us, so we went! Boy are we glad we did! We spent all day there and the boys had a blast! There was a magic show that the boys sat quietly and watched, the sheriff's office was there with the k-9 dogs. We got identity kits for the boys, complete with their DNA, fingerprints and pictures!! They both got sword balloons from the balloon artist! Outside the fire dept was there and they got to sit in the firetruck. The fire department had the smoke house, and the boys learned about fire and how to get out of the house safely if we have a fire. At the end of the lesson, they went upstairs and the smoke alarm went off and there was smoke. Henry promptly freaked out, started crying and ran out of the house! Tyler stayed and followed the directions and got out with the other kids. There was also a petting zoo with baby chicks and goats. Henry wanted to keep a chick! To our surprise, they both rode the horses and wanted to ride again! Of course, with all of the fun and all of the things that the boys did, mommy did not have her camera!!!!
April 26th
Sunday April 26th was the Dream Machines car and air show in Half Moon Bay. The boys had a blast! I think that Henry has his daddy's love of airplanes! We had so much fun over on the air side that we never made it to the car side! Most of the planes were refurbished WWII planes. There was a plane from the Monterey Flying Club where Keith flies, and Tyler got to sit in it. I think that was the highlight of his day! Henry got garlic fries, his favorite, and he did not share with anyone, he made daddy go get another basket for the rest of us!!! Daddy bough the boys model airplanes that they put together when we got home home! After, as we were driving home, we decided to stop at the lighthouse that is off of CA 1. Tyler of course loved it! As we were walking towards it, Henry looked up at the lighthouse, started screaming and took off running back to the car!! We definitely had a great weekend!

Boys Night Out
Teddy Bear Preschool Carnival
The boys school had a carnival to celebrate the week of the child and the boys had a blast! They played lots of games, won lots of prizes and had fun with their friends! Mommy even made the sign for the fishing game! Thank goodness we have a circuit! Henry's favorite game was the ring toss and Tyler's favorite was the fishing game. I could not get them away from the games!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
pictures from the train
We rode a train today!
This morning we went up to Felton, just outside of Santa Cruz, to Roaring Camp Railroad to take a train ride through the mountains. Henry was in heaven. He was fascinated by the engine as they filled it with water to make the steam. Once we were on board, he continued to look at the engine trying to figure it all out. The pictures of him are so cute, you can read his face and see that he was thinking away in that little head of his! Tyler also thought it was great. I was sure that he would hold his ears and say it was too loud, but to our suprise, he was fine, never once saying it was too loud! Half way through, we stopped and walked around Bear Mountain and looked at the redwood trees, then it was back on the train for the ride back down the mountain. On the way down, Henry fell asleep! He woke up as we pulled into the train station, smiling and saying bye train!
Who spilled the teddy grahams???
Well, according to Henry, we had some house guests yesterday that left the house a mess! Keith came into the living room and found the entire bag of teddy grahams in the floor. He asked Henry what happened and Henry's response was "Winston and Rocky spilled". For those that do not know, Winston and Rocky are my parents English Bulldogs, that live in Virginia. Since Winston and Rocky had already gone home, Henry had to clean up the teddy grahams all by himself!!!
Navy Update....
Well, things have definitely changed!!! Keith is now going to deploy for Afghanistan for a year this fall! Then boys and I will be moving to Richmond to be close to my parents. As of now, we are planning on moving soon after Keith graduates so that we are all settled before the school year starts. And with it being summer, we are hoping to have some family help with the move! Hint Hint!! :-) We have not talked to the boys too much about it, as they have no idea of time and we have not nailed down specifics, so if you talk to them, please don't ask or tell them about the move or daddy leaving.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
No Newport!
We were given lovely news yesterday!! The Navy is apparently out of money for the rest of this fiscal year, so they put a freeze on all PCS moves through at least October! So we are stuck here in Monterey. What better place to be stuck?! We are planning trip all summer around CA. So for now, we are not going to Newport anytime soon. Of course, we will update when we know something!!

Tyler is growing like a weed, literally! He is getting so tall and so skinny! He has been taking gymnastics and that is his highlight 2 times a week. Tyler's favorite thing in gymnastics is the bars and of course Miss Renee! Tyler talks about Miss Renee all week. He has become a master at the WII and he even beats Keith a WII Bowling! Freeze tag had become his favorite game, we literally play it all the time! He is getting more and more independent! Mommy hates and loves this! My baby is getting older!!

Henry is nuna (pacifier)free!! He was down to 2 left, and both is those had whole in them. While Yaya was here, he asked for a new one. When we told him that we did not have anymore, he put it in Yaya's shoe for safe keeping and tootled off to bed! He has not asked for it since! I was dreading getting rid of it, as he was very attached. But to my surprise, he did it on his own! We are back to having to give him breathing treatments every 4 hours again. He just cannot shake this cough. I think the latest round is due to the wind we have been having and the spring allergies. He has found a love of cooking, just like his mommy! Every night he helps cook dinner. His favorite part is putting the vegetables into the wok. He even has his own stool and mommy cannot cook without her little sioux chef! The other night he started eating bell peppers and onions as he was putting them into the wok. Now he wants them all the time!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Easter Bunny came today!! It took them a while to notice the baskets, but once they did, they had a blast. They boys love their baskets, especially the bubbles and books. They played outside all morning with the bubbles and the jump ropes. The Wilbur movie, aka Charlotte's Web, is now Tyler's favorite movie! Keith and I canned all day, 12 pints of White Chicken Chili and 4 quarts of apple pie filling!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I decided to start a family blog for all of you to keep up with us! My plan is to update it a few times a week with what we are up to and with pictures. I know that I don't talk to everyone as often as we would like, so I hope that this will help keep us in touch with everyone!
Jamie, Keith, Tyler and Henry
Jamie, Keith, Tyler and Henry
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